Does Your Dog Have the Runs? 4 Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea is a common condition that can happen suddenly, without warning. Your dog may not even show any other signs of being sick, and that can make it difficult to diagnose exactly what's causing your dog's runny stools. While your vet will likely have to perform a stool analysis to find out the exact cause of your dog's abdominal distress, there are a few things that are often at fault. The following are four common causes of diarrhea in dogs. [Read More]

The Importance Of Radiology For Dog Breeders

As many canine enthusiasts will tell you, dog breeding is often more of an art than a science. But that science is still important, and it can help you both produce higher quality dogs and increase the safety of your breeding stock in the process. Radiology, more commonly known as x-rays, have been an invaluable tool in veterinary medicine for some time, and they are useful for both preventative and emergency care. [Read More]

Four Signs Your Kitty's Teeth Are Ailing

Just as humans become more prone to cavities and tooth decay as they age, so do cats. While cats of any age can develop dental problems, these issues become more likely as your cat enters older adulthood. Left unaddressed, tooth problems can not only be painful, but they can also lead to infections that spread into other tissues like the blood and the brain. So, it's essential to catch tooth problems early by watching out for these signs of painful teeth in cats. [Read More]

Ectopic Ureters In Dogs: A Congenital Abnormality That Causes Incessant Dribbling

Incontinence in dogs can be caused by numerous diseases, disorders, and defects. However, if you have a female puppy that has been dribbling since birth, they may be suffering from a congenital birth defect called ectopic ureters. In this condition, the tubes that are supposed to direct urine from the kidneys into the bladder are in the wrong position, causing urine to leak straight out the urethra. Dogs with this condition cannot hold their bladder at all. [Read More]